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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ] << < Prev.   [ 519 / 983 ]   Next > >>
Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Question TE25 Frameserving in Premiere 6 Mark 1 2003-03-13 21:55:07
Question TE25 MPEG-2 Files can't open and not supported? Mjg 1 2003-03-13 21:53:30
Question TE25 .avi audio fix MannaZen1 2 2003-03-13 21:49:27
Question TE25 Where to download VFAPI Plug-in depfer 1 2003-03-13 21:30:26
Question TE25 New to AVI, MPG and VCD Barbi 2 2003-03-13 21:43:11
Question TE25 Batch Encode only does half the list..... I26 0 2003-03-12 22:36:47
Question TE25 Invalid pointer operation Natakue 3 2003-03-13 14:04:39
Question TE25 Program hangs when trying to import a MPEG2 file Sandro 1 2003-03-12 18:04:53
Question TE25 Read error occurred at address 00402F40 of Module..... PoPa 0 2003-03-12 15:03:13
Question TE25 Error/Program Closes When I try to load .asf and .avi file PoPa 1 2003-03-12 22:20:27
Question TE25 My DVD error: data rate too fast for DVD? mike 4 2003-03-13 17:45:35
Request TE25 Rate control and quantisation algorithm Skye 1 2003-03-12 22:57:31

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Question - TE25 - Frameserving in Premiere 6 No.35437
Mark  2003-03-13 06:55:04 ( ID:to/duktleoo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

What do I need in order to export TempGenc encoded mpeg files straigt from Adobe Premiere's timeline?

Minion  2003-03-13 21:55:07 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Probably the "Video Server Plugin" from ""...I don"t think it is Free though...

Question - TE25 - MPEG-2 Files can't open and not supported? No.35435
Mjg  2003-03-13 06:21:45 ( ID:ixm5nb9rodk )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When I try to encode a mpeg 2 file it says its not supported, I installed a few dvd player programs like mediamatics dvd express, cyberlink power dvd 4 and a few others and every time TMPG still gives me the not supported error I have tried almost everything

Minion  2003-03-13 21:53:30 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Since you have Power DVD Installed you should have the Cyberlink Mpeg2 decoder installed so Tmpgenc can open Mpeg2 files, So check the "Vfapi Plugins" and see if the "Cyberlink Mpeg2 decoder" is Registered, and if it is Try raiseing the Priority of the Plugin...But I still Find it Much easier and Faster to use DVD2AVI to Frame serve the Video to Tmpgenc to encode(Don"t encode the audio Cuz it is allready in Mpeg format)..DVD2AVI is a Faster Mpeg2 decoder that the Decoders that Tmpgenc uses....

Question - TE25 - .avi audio fix No.35432
MannaZen1  Home )  2003-03-13 04:25:22 ( ID:bretwi1a3.g )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

(it's been a while)

I have a copy of an .avi and the audio is off by a few seconds. Does anybody know what program I can use to sync it w/ the video?


Tomo  2003-03-13 08:37:27 ( ID:nsbkh5almbg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

insert the avi in tmpg
check the "source" box
a new box will open
at the bottom u will see audio gap correct
this bit is trial an error to get the right setting so do a few tests

Minion  2003-03-13 21:49:27 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

That Might not work either depending on what type of sync problem it is...If the Audio is the Same amout out of sync the whole way through the Movie then the method described above will fix it But if say the Movie starts out in Sync but By the end of the Movie it is way out of sync then this is Much harder to fix and you would need to stretch the audio to the length of the video with an audio editing program...

Question - TE25 - Where to download VFAPI Plug-in No.35430
depfer  2003-03-13 04:07:45 ( ID:boww0cvmnu6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I used DVD2AVI and created a .D2V file. Some directions I have states that I need to download VFAPI plug-in in order for TMPGEnc to recognize the .D2V as a legal file type. I can't seem to find a download link that works. Please help.

One note I found said you can download it from TMPGEnc's homepage, but I sure don't find it there.....


Ashy  2003-03-13 21:30:26 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You don't need the VFAPI plugin for DVD2AVI project files. The TMPG VFAPI plugin is so TMPG can read it's own project files and is already included with the TMPG download.

Just copy DVD2AVI.vfp from the DVD2AVI folder into your TMPG folder. If you still have problems raise it's priority in the VFAPI plugins.


Question - TE25 - New to AVI, MPG and VCD No.35427
Barbi  2003-03-13 00:01:05 ( ID:sbezb30us6n )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I'm new to this so please forgive me if this has been asked before.

I've recently downloaded some AVI files which I'd like to convert to VCD format. I have other software which copies directly from DVD to VCD and the video quality is excellent, even with just VCD settings.

However, after I've encoded the AVI using TMPGenc to MPG format, I played the MPG file on my PC and it was fine, but then using the same software that I used to copy DVD's, I copy the MPG image to VCD, and the video quality is very poor and choppy, but the audio is fine.

Could anyone please help me and tell me if there are any settings I should be doing in TMPGEnc to create a higher quality MPG file? I don't know if my player supports SVCD files or not.

I've used VCDeasy to create the VCD from DVD's and MPG but the quality is different. I obviously can appreciate that DVD quality is better to begin with, and if this is why the result is so different, then so be it. But if anyone also knows settings for VCD easy that have worked for them, I'd really appreciate it.


Tomo  2003-03-13 08:33:08 ( ID:nsbkh5almbg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

after tmpg.. burn the mpeg with nero on vcd setting an all will be fine

Minion  2003-03-13 21:43:11 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If the Playback is Choppy then that could be because of many things But usually because you have encoded to the wrong Frame rate..You have to find out the Frame rate of your AVI file then encode to that Frame rate, if you use a Frame rate that is Different that the AVI files frame rate then you will get this Jumpy effect when watching .....

Question - TE25 - Batch Encode only does half the list..... No.35426
I26  2003-03-12 22:36:47 ( ID:bait5g1pg8g )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I set up 8 projects last night. All about hour clips. It highlighted them all and hit run. I woke up to find 4 done. What about the rest. Then I did the same with the remaining 4. Well i come home and it stopped after 2. What gives? I know my system can handle it. Any suggestions?

Question - TE25 - Invalid pointer operation No.35422
Natakue  2003-03-12 20:12:56 ( ID:ctqryf.h2ka )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Why does it say that when i load a avi to convert it?


Tomo  2003-03-12 23:00:48 ( ID:nsbkh5almbg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

normally an xvid file does that
try raising direct show to 2 in enviromental settings but dont use wizard after raising it

also make sure u got xvid codecs installed

thats presuming it is xvid

Natakue  2003-03-13 13:53:40 ( ID:ctqryf.h2ka )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks i will try that.


Natakue  2003-03-13 14:04:39 ( ID:ctqryf.h2ka )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I cant find a direct show tab or any thing in the enviromental it called something else?

Question - TE25 - Program hangs when trying to import a MPEG2 file No.35420
Sandro  2003-03-12 15:15:52 ( ID:kox8xd7xrxh )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a SVCD version of a movie here. My stand-alone player tho only plays VCDs, so I wanted to use TMPGEnc to convert the file (AVSEQ01.MPG of the SVCD) into MPEG1 to burn it on a VCD. But as soon as I select this file for import, the HD works but the program hangs and after a while I have to close it via Windows Task Manager.

Anyone has an idea why?



Ashy  2003-03-12 18:04:53 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You need to copy the file to the hard drive first. It's not a good idea to try and work directly from a disk like this as you will have problems, as you have noticed. It's not hanging, but just loading the file very very slowly.


Question - TE25 - Read error occurred at address 00402F40 of Module..... No.35419
PoPa  2003-03-12 15:03:13 ( ID:7ooj8akjqca )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Read error occurred at address 00402F40 of Module 'TMPGenc.exe' with 6461654E

this is what happens when I just tried encoding one of my .avi files, after not being able to open it in the program, but then i had put the priority option of DIRECTSHOW up to 2, and it allowed me to open it, but when I hit "START" to encode the problem at the top is what occurrs.

Question - TE25 - Error/Program Closes When I try to load .asf and .avi file No.35417
PoPa  2003-03-12 14:29:50 ( ID:7ooj8akjqca )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Error/Program Closes When I try to load .asf and .avi file

Its worked for most asf files and avi files and mpg files, but I got a few files that I want to convert to mpeg for a VCD, but when I open them the program immediately says theres an error and closes.

Anyone else have this problem before?



Minion  2003-03-12 22:20:27 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Make sure you have the Latest WMV/WMA Codecs installed, and if you still have Problems go to "Options" to "Enviromental Settings" to Vfapi Plugins" and Raise the "Direct Show" to "2"..And see if that helps..And I warn you that you might not get any Audio output from your ASF Files cuz Tmpgenc can sometimes have problems with the WMA audio format used By ASF Files, it is a Good idea to encode the audio with a different audio encoder....

Question - TE25 - My DVD error: data rate too fast for DVD? No.35412
mike  2003-03-12 13:32:40 ( ID:wi0oxaav5z2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

1. MyDVD-4, when it comes time to burn, gives an error message that the data rate is too fast for DVD. I adjusted the bit rate down to 5000 and I still got this error message. Any suggestions?

2. Also, do you agree that TMPG Enc. is the best software encoder? If I were to encode the video and audio together in TMPG, would that be a tragedy? I am doing home movies only.

Thank you.

wcpaul  2003-03-12 18:44:55 ( ID:q7gr550x3gw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

To avoid any quality tragedies, encode at a high bitrate for making archival files and then re-encode down to DVD bitrates. At 12+ Mbs, TMPG is pretty much lossless, even with Hi8 source. Data storage quality DVD-Rs are cheap.

DVD-Video can support over 9 Mbs video + audio. But there is no need to push things that much. For a program to reject the file when loading, the nominal bitrate setting of the file may be to high. Use bitrate.exe (google search) to see what the setting is and whether the file peaks too high.

Make sure the max setting for VBR is below 9. This gets recorded as the nominal bitrate in the file (I believe)

Minion  2003-03-12 22:16:19 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You are Probably getting that error about the Bitrate being to high even when you set it at 5000kbs because Tmpgenc has terrorable Bitrate controll so even though the bitrate is set at 5000kbs the actual bitrate can spike Much higher than that at at times and there isn"t much you can do to get tmpgenc to obey the Bitrate setting you choose, even with CBR encodeing Tmpgenc will spike Much higher that you set it..And Is Tmpgenc the best Mpeg encoder?? Well that is a Matter of opinion but I think for the Price and for all the Options it has that it is the best Value, but for Plain Mpeg2 encodeing Quality I still Think CCE SP is a Superior Mpeg2 encoder,But Tmpgenc is definately the Better of the two with Mpeg1 encodeing Quality.....

mike  2003-03-13 11:50:29 ( ID:wi0oxaav5z2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Thanks for your responses. Btw, I went ahead (against many's advice)and encodee video and audio, elementary stream - - thus producing an m2v and mp2 file. I am doing home movies, so I don't need studio quality (unless there's another issue I'm not realizing).

I burned a 15 second stream on my DVD-RW disc and it seemed to work OK. I then proceeded to test a longer stream. I re-encoded the same file, deleted the previous video and audio file from the MyDVD desktop, overwrote the previous files on my hard drive (did name them the same), and erased my DVD-RW disc in order to burn a new stream. The wierd thing is that my DVD kept on playing the same 15 second stream over and over - - even know the longer stream I encoded and wanted to test, and thought I had burned, was around 7 minutes!

Does anyone know why this same 15 second stream keeps on playing?!


mike  2003-03-13 17:45:35 ( ID:wi0oxaav5z2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I believe the fact that I saved the new, longer files under the same name might have triggered a temp file. And, that is why it keeps burning the same 15 second clip.

Anyway, with CCE software, is the basic version better than TMPG Enc. as well?

Thanks, Mike.

Request - TE25 - Rate control and quantisation algorithm No.35410
Skye  2003-03-12 07:40:36 ( ID:ercka70lmyg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Can you explain the rate control and quantisation algorithm used in your software?

Tomo  2003-03-12 22:57:31 ( ID:nsbkh5almbg )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

we learnt logrithms at school 20 year ago but forgot them now

teacher said theyd come in handy ....bugger

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